
Wednesday, July 29, 2009

loosing her first teeth

Tengok gigi yaya, jarang2 kan.... ikut sapa la tu...ahahahhahha

Yaya is already 6 years and 10 months old, and she has just lost her 2 milk/baby teeth (I lost my first baby tooth at 5 years plus). Itupun kena jumpe dentist, sebab dah berlapis giginya, tak jugak yang depan tu goyang2, punya la degil ya. So we have to take her to the dentist to pull out her teeth, to give way to the permanent teeth. Kang tak cantik pulak senyum Yaya tu.

She was brave through out the process. Masa kena cucuk tu, mak dia yang gerun, seriau tengok. Panjang oiii jarum dia.... Yaya had her eyes closed all the time :D, am so worried that she will give trouble. Alhamdullillah, everything settle under 20 minutes.

The doc said that, in 2 months time, we have to pull out her upper teeth, because it seems like the same thing will happen to her upper teeth. Yaya terus cakap, "Mama, yaya tak nak cabut dah, yang nie aje OK....".... turned out that she was not that brave after all. Ala kejap je tu, esok2 dia lupa laaa ......

yours truly,


  1. lor rongak dah..
    belapis ek giginye..x pe la yaya tecit lg nnti dah beso x cabut nyesal ko nak..hehe

  2. alahai siannya... sakit tu nak cabot... takpelah sekejap jek tu...

  3. ooo..berlapis ek giginye?
    mmg wajib dicabut..
    kalu x kang dia tumbuh senget benget..dh beso sok kena plak pki braces..hehehe..

  4. sama mcm fir lah tu..nasib tak berlapis..trus bawak g dentist..dia sendiri nak..

  5. neeza, gigi yaya berlapis laaa...ahahahha.. nanti kena cabut lagi

    ninie, dia ingat lagi tu sampai skrang, tak nak cabut lagi

    mommy mimil, nampak gayanye mmg kena pakai braces yaya tu

    kakty, oooo aritu fir cabut gigi dengan cool tu sebab gigi lapis jugak ye..... waaa....bagus la fir
