
Saturday, November 13, 2010

This is it

I woke up this morning refused to believe that the day has come for us leave Brisbane for good. I laid on the bed, wishing that we have one more day to stay, one more day to enjoy living in Brisbane, one more day to live like the regular day we have had for more than 3 years here. What a strange feeling I have, want to go home, but don't want to leave either. Especially when for the last couple of weeks we were busy with load of things, and when everything had settled, we just had a couple of days to enjoy our last week.

Well, that's life. Move on we must.

We will definitely, for sure, start a new life in Malaysia. A new chapter begins tomorrow, but I have yet to write the conclusion for this current chapter, soon insyaAllah, soon I hope.

Before moving on, I would like to give an update about a new halal butcher at Inala Centre. It was run by one of atang's friend, a Bangladeshi friend he met at work. We had a chance to visit the butcher last week.  Now, we can buy seafood and halal meat at one place. Crikey!!

To everyone that we met and got to know in this 3 and half years of journey, we would like to apologise for any wrong doing, halal makan dan minum ya. Thank you to friends who had invited us for dinner and lunch this last week, kurang la den memasak, and thanks to you all we have gained weight...ahahhahah...kata sedih, tapi badan naik...abih camno. And thank you to the family who had offered us their cosy home, for us to stay temporary.  And thank you to all who had helped us with the shipping and moving, you guys definitely made this moving matter at ease. And last but not least, thanks to you who have been following by humble blog for the last 3 years or so. Though we have never meet physically (almost all of you), but your comments have kept me going, through thick and thin.

Ok about 12 hours more to enjoy the rest of Brissie day. Until we meet again, take care and thanks for reading.

yours truly,


  1. Salam Kak Fazid

    Your blog helps me a lot to prepare for life in Brisbane. Thanks a lot and all the best!

    Faisal GU

  2. welcome back dear, can't wait to see you

  3. Kak Fazid- selamat jalan..selamat tiba di Msia..going to miss you.. Sorry ye tak dapat nak hantar kat airport, baru balik Tangalooma malam semalam...take care & keep in touch ye :)

  4. Faisal GU: it is my pleasure, glad that you find this blog helpful. thanks for reading :D


    maryam: u take care too

  5. Fazid mesti dah sampai..malaysia nie..welcome home

  6. kty...alhamdullillah....tgh busy settling down sebelum naik keje. kalau ternampak fazid, tegur ekk :D

  7. Fazid,

    Selamat pulang..lama merantau tentu banyak kenangan tercipta..

  8. ms tigris, macam2 pengalaman dan pengetahuan dapat, alhamdullillah dapat juga merasa hidup di negeri orang. tapi mana kan sama Malaysia tanah air ku :D
