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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Melancholy in November

Harinie perasaan bercampur gaur, happy, sedih, panic, risau.Besok hari terakhir serah kunci, besok juga la kontrak menyewa kami tamat. Baru aje balik dari mengemas, last minute clean up sebentar tadi. Besok pagi-pagi, carpet cleaning service akan datang untuk cuci carpet, salah satu syarat exit condition yg perlu dipatuhi dekat sini. Katanya ambil masa lebih kurang 2 jam juga la untuk membersihkan rumah opppsss... unit sewaan kami tu. I wonder how the cleaning process will take place. It would be interesting to see how they clean the whole unit, but it starts at 8 in the morning, am sure the kids are not ready to go out at that hour.

Today, I had the last meeting with my sifo, before working on the correction. Still need some clarification on what to concentrate, and what to disregard, the comments/feedbacks given by the panel. Adoiii....fenin jugak kepala nie nak response semua komen yg diberi. Fenin sebab tak cukup masa yng berkualiti untuk fokus. Plus nak bawak yaya n adik sight seeing sekitar Brisbane sebelum balik. Adoiii sifo, naper la tak bagi den sikit masa lagi.....issshhh tu la dia, orang dah bagi keje mudah, dok tangguh-tangguh lagi....

Before I went home today, I cleared up my desk, shredding papers, threw out unwanted things, adeh sodih pulak rasa bila tengok desk tu, perlahan-lahan kosong dan lapang. Tak sompek den nak ambil gambar, sodih sangat....

yours truly,


attyfir said...

kalau kakty jadik fazid pun mesti sedih ..

Anonymous said...

i feel the same thing masa bid goodbye ari tu... tempat jatuh lagi dikenang inikan pulak tempat memerah otak kannn :D... n kdg2 skrg terasa gak 'rindu' akan tempat itu :D

anyway.. tak sabar nk jumpa u!!!!!! welcome home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-mommy thaqif-

Liza said...

and when you come back, you are a person i call dr fazid and i am so proud of you my friend

fazid said...

kty sedih dlm gembira :D

me too cik...can't wait to see you again

liza..blum abis lagi laaa...ada correction to do :(