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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

In the memory: 11.1.11

In the memory of the Brisbane flood. I was truly shocked and was in the state of unbelievable when I heard about the catastrophe, became an overnight fan of Astro's channel 521 and flabbergasted at those pictures posted by friends in Brisbane.

We used to live here, the backyard had turned into a river.

This picture was taken by our old neighbour. She took a picture of our neighbouring unit, just next to our rented units.  You can see the water level was about 3/4 of the garage door, which is about the same height of our garages.

This picture was taken by a friend of my friend, showing the water level which was at the ceiling of the garage. Thankful the water had stop from rising, thus only the garages were submerged by the flood.

Klik here to view a satellite view of our old rented unit that was affected by the flood.

p.s. syukur kami dah pulang ke Malaysia. I can never placed myself in the situation faced by friends in Brisbane. Pasti ada hikmahnya.

yours truly,


attyfir said...

Ya allah ..meremang bulu roma kty tgk gambar tu

ada hikmahnya kan fazid
tp kesian yg mana ada kat sana tu

fazid said...

betul kty, sape sangka Brisbane masa fazid smpi2 dulu bandar yang airnya bercatu kerana empangan kering kontang. Tapi baru-baru ini banjir besar terjadi pun kerana empangan juga, tapi empangan melebihi kapasiti jadi air dari empangan terpaksa dilepaskan, akibatnya banjir besar berlaku (macam cerita Holywood tu pulak kan).

Tapi mmg kesian pada kengkawan, ada yg teruk juga rumah mereka dimasukki air, sampai ke paras dada katanya. Ada tu 80% barang musnah dan terpaksa dibuang.

tigrismalaya said...

hmmmm..seb baik dah balik ke m'sia kan...sian member2 fazid yg ditimpa bencana..