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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Got over it, and one more to go...

Fuhhhh fuhhh... berabuk betul rumah nie....habuk tebalnya seinci. Been away to prepare for another milestones in this journey. Alhamdullillah...all went well, I need to make some minor changes though, but as expected. But have yet to get a full report from the panel members. I don't want to put my hope up very high, sekali dapat report kena buat perubahan selambak ko..haaa... mau terduduk. But I am very hopeful that what ever it is, I can complete it in 2 months, because it is the targeted submission date.

Now I can really concentrate on the packing. Still have about 40% more to go. And I have other things to look after too... adeh...tetiba banyak benda nak kena settle nih...

yours truly,


attyfir said...

banyak lagi ye , fazid nak packing..

fazid said...

banyak juga la kty...tetiba tak tau mana nak buat dulu..

en_me said...

berabuk kanns.. ehehe