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Friday, April 15, 2011

Me Academia

This is my official blog. "The Faculty of Minds"

p.s. nothing related to the Butterfingers the Malaysian band ok.

yours truly,

Thursday, March 24, 2011

tamat la sudah riwayatnye...

...kisah sedih hari ini....

yours truly,

Monday, February 28, 2011

Hujan panas

Seharian panas terik, petang menjelma masih lagi dengan terik mentari, hujan turun tanpa bunyi, semakin lama semakin lebat, semakin lama semakin kedengaran.... read more>> The Time Traveller

yours truly,

In search of the King

Belum musim, tapi kelibatnya more >>The Time Traveller

yours truly,

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Pssttt.... We have moved

Salam kengkawan,

Come and visit us at our new home.

"The Time Traveller"


yours truly,

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Gatal garu la sendiri

Tangan gatal nak menaip kat sini, tapi masa tak mengizinkan pulak. Tambahan pula tak sesuai nak bercerita dekat sini sebab tema dah lari, am no longer in Brisbane laaa... so Brisbane story dah tamat dah....

Nanti la one day, one day I promise, inshaAllah, I will start writing again, tapi di rumah yang baru laaa... a new environment, a new surrounding, a new life, a new story to tell, thus need a new house.

p.s. still adjusting with the new routine especially the driving part. kenapa la malaysian driver hebat sangat, sampai kite kena buat kira-kira untuk buat ramalan dahulu sama ada driver kat depan nie nak masuk simpang ke, nak bagi kite lalu ke, dan tambah hebat lagi bila sambil memandu boleh text message lagi so bawak pun kejap laju kejap slow....adeh...tak terlawan kehebatan pemanduan malaysian driver. Maka tangan kanan saya pun sentiasa berada di tengah2 stereng bersiap sedia untuk membunyikan hon. Maaf atas kekasaran saya ya.

yours truly,

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

In the memory: 11.1.11

In the memory of the Brisbane flood. I was truly shocked and was in the state of unbelievable when I heard about the catastrophe, became an overnight fan of Astro's channel 521 and flabbergasted at those pictures posted by friends in Brisbane.

We used to live here, the backyard had turned into a river.

This picture was taken by our old neighbour. She took a picture of our neighbouring unit, just next to our rented units.  You can see the water level was about 3/4 of the garage door, which is about the same height of our garages.

This picture was taken by a friend of my friend, showing the water level which was at the ceiling of the garage. Thankful the water had stop from rising, thus only the garages were submerged by the flood.

Klik here to view a satellite view of our old rented unit that was affected by the flood.

p.s. syukur kami dah pulang ke Malaysia. I can never placed myself in the situation faced by friends in Brisbane. Pasti ada hikmahnya.

yours truly,