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Tuesday, January 1, 2008

December 2007

It is summer in Brisbane...but the current weather does not fit the definition at all. For the past few weeks, the drought Queensland has turned into wet land. It seems the oz didnt like this gloomy and wet weather. I think it kinda restricted them to do what ever they do during summer. But we are very fortunate for this kinda weather. Becoz, before the summer arrived, people have been telling us how hot the summer will be. Hah....but it is still a very long way to go, still has 2 more months until the summer season ended.

December 2007, the busiest month of the year. So many events happened and so many things to get done. It all started with the ACIS conference at Toowoomba. We went up to Toowomba just for presenting the paper. No sight seeing this time. Tak larat dah nak jalan-jalan. Plus the Celica gave us problem, overheated to and back from Toowoomba. It was worst on the way back. Alhamdullillah we arrived home safely. But atang has already made up his mind when the car got overheated again on the way back...."this car has got to go....". Upon arriving home, he sat in front of the machine, looking for a used car. hahahhaha... and the next day we picked up a used mazda, year 1988, 5-door with air-cond. I was pleased, because finally atang bought a 5-door car. Senang nak letak baby dalam car seat nanti.

Oh yes, before December, I was really anxious on finding bed and few things for mak and abah arrival. Been nagging bout it to atang, but the idea of going to second hand shops will never be an option for me at this stage, for the tummy is getting bigger and I felt heavier each day. So when Nisa garage sale was advertised, we quickly rang her up and booked several items, without looking at it (we just relied on the pictures posted in her blog)... but we did went to her house for final inspection, and add some more items to the list. From her garage sale, we bought a sofa bed (we need a sofa actually, since she didnt has any, we bought this instead), a queen bed with mattress, a book shelf (looks like our billy bookcase back home), an office chair, a folding table, standing fan and some impromptu pick up item; oven toaster (it has been ages without toasted bread) and carpet. Satisfied with all the items, we finally declared that our house is no longer available for some more furnitures.

After the ACIS event, and the car ordeal, I have spent the entire week in front of the machine, bidding for baby's item. Actually we have started bidding on a baby cot before we went to Toowomba. We were so confidence we will win the cot because we were the highest bidder before we went up to Toowoomba. But insidence happened that resulted in us loosing the bid. It was very frustrating to me, the cot came with a mattress and complete bedding set, at just $70++, plus the item was in Taringa. To cheer me up atang said,"mungkin ada sebab kita tak dapat cot tu.." yup maybe the cot is not meant for us, Allah has promised us with even better cot. And so it is, we managed to buy a cot, a very good and steady one at $82. Although the cot does not come with a mattress, but I have a feeling that this is the one. And buying a new mattress is not expensive either.

Next we moved on to baby car seat and rocker. Here in Australia, it is compulsory for children, from age 0 up to 6 years old to be restrained with a proper car seat in the car. Proper car seat means the right seat according to age and weight. I remember we got a car seat for yaya since she was 2 months old. It was actually a booster seat, with 5 point harness. In order to fit yaya inside the car seat, we just put in a comforter so that she will not moved inside the seat. Plus it is a forward facing seat. Hhahhaha... but here we need to find a car seat, a convertible one, the right car seat for newborn. Buying a new one is not possible, for the cheapest is $200+. And so from ebay, we won a car seat at $71.92. When we went to Brighton to pick up the seat, the seller said we can just pay $70 for the seat. hehehhehe..

As for the rocker, I felt we need to get it to for the babysitter house. The bubs will sleep on it. We won the rocker at $32. The rest of the things, including stroller, we bought it brand new. For the rest of the pictures, see our fotopages,

See how we meant by busiest month this year. This including the end of the year workshop that ITPS held just before December. Yaya's last day of school concert. Then Lan's confirmation seminar that I felt very smooth and well prepared by Lan (hope I will manage the same way like Lan). Raya Haji in Brisbane, celebrated from 19th Dec until 21st Dec, however the celebration was not as happening as Raya Puasa. But we did held a small feast at Orleigh Park on 22nd Dec. Then came the Mat Sallihs' celebration; Xmas and New year. And by Xmas, Brisbane city felt deserted, I think the Mat Sallih went for holiday at the same time celebrated their events somewhere else. We didnt went shopping on boxing day for the utmost reason; no more money to spend... sulah kering spending for baby's things, besides atang has to work on both xmas n boxing day.

And now we are counting the days for the arrival of bub and Mak and Abah.

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