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Sunday, February 21, 2010

peanut butter apam balik

Our tea today... Apam balik peanut butter (have some left-over batter from yesterday apam balik making) and kepok lekor. The kepok, bought from a friend with the sauce (dip). Sodap...

Ok, now off for evening walk, wanna take a good fresh air, for tomorrow is a start of another busy week.


Me, Mrs Taj said...

i love peanut tak blh nk telan la klu apam balik ngn peanut butter...dah try kat umah member..entah nape tekak ni tetiba..ermmm

tp bau peanut butter tu mengamcam jiwa..

fazid said...

ms taj...agaknye ms taj kena buat sendiri...baru bleh makan...sedap tau...pakai yg crunchy nye