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Monday, February 8, 2010

bila tekak nak apam balik

Salam friends, kengkawan and all...

Last week I finally get the focus I need. Tak lama, dua hari jek, but cukup la tu. Managed to complete a couple of tasks and met the milestones. And suddenly my sifoos started demanding, although I think it is conceivable, tapi den nie cepat gabra, bukan sikit, banyak...ahahahha...nampak aje den nie cool outside, tapi dalam, rasa seumpama kartun flintstones yang tengah berlari membawa kereta yang bertayar kan batu tu. Kat sini ada tayangan kartun flintstones setiap jam 6 petang kat Go Channel (lari tajuk dah nie)...

Anyway, minggu lepas jugak rasa malas nak duduk depan komputer, tapi apo nak buek, dah kojo dengan komputer, so malas la nak online segala macam fasiliti rangkaian sosial ni. Kengkawan pernah rasa cemuih/jemu/jelak tak bila mengadap internet? Haaa sampai gitu sekali. Tapi sempat gak la dload Nigina dan O-Mei pada penghujung hari, ahahahhaha....

Dan oleh kerana mood detox (detox dari online yo, tapi still working with the machine) minggu lepas, jadik malas la nak carik resepi-resepi baru untuk projek hujung minggu, sampai la petang Khamis, tetiba tekak nak makan apam balik. Nie sebab tengok "My Kitchen Rule" la nie, tengok chocolate mousse cake contestants yang sedap tu. Nak buat mousse cake, issshhh tak terbuatnye, nak buat chocolate cake, kena pikir 100 kali, kena find out dulu sape yang boleh menghabiskan kek itu (kang tak pasal-pasal den yang kena abiskan). Jadi oleh kerana tak nak menganiaya sesape (atang now is blaming me on his sudden weight increment), tekak nie terus switch kepada apam balik (boleh gitu). But then I need to get the approval of atang (sebab dia yang akan makan nanti) wakakakkakaka.... and he agreed by searching the recipe for me (dah den masih lagi cemuih nak masuk internet).

Jadi petang jumaat tu, oleh kerana dah tak tahan sangat... orang kalau dah food lover, craving dia memang tak bleh sekat-sekat lagi. Den pun try la buat. Kacang tumbuk, beli yang dah siap. Dan....

Fuhh....lembut dan gebu apam balik nih. Credit pada yang berkongsi resepi. Untuk resepi, sila klik di sini ya :D.

Oh ya....hampir-hampir terlupa. Ada sorang reader, namanye Lya, tinggalkan comment at one of my pizza's entry. I thought at first I wanted to respond directly under that story, but I think it would be difficult for her to search back the post since I have removed the "direct-link" box to comments posted in this blog. Thus, I replied her comment here:

salam, find out your blog. interesting. nak tanya mana u beli chicken pepperoni kat brisbane ni?Thanks.Lya

Thank you Lya for visiting, it is my pleasure to help newcomers, muslim students especially, about halal food in Brisbane. And glad you found this blog interesting.

About halal pepperoni, I usually bought it at Ismail Butcher at McWhirters in the Valley, or popularly known as China Town. Tapi tengok jugak, sometimes takde. Other option is the butcher at Logan Rd. But it is a bit expensive there. Maybe some of my Brisbane friends have other suggestion. Hope this helps.

Apa pulak citer my two little princesses. Yaya is now happy in school. She met her old friends from prep classes, so happy to go to school everyday. Tapi makcik nie mmg jenis forgetful laaa...ada aje barang tertinggal kat sekolah... aduhai... Yang si kecik cilik nie pulak, kuat menyonteng, pantang kite leka sikit, kalau ada pensel kat tangan dia, ada la ruang, n ceruk dia akan conteng nanti.... And adik still can't leave her pacifier. Her old ones dah koyak, so we have to buy a new one on weekend (takut kang dia tertelan pulak bila sedap ngisap tu). Kenapa we all tak stop aje kan?? We just hope she will get tired of it, like yaya. Yaya dulu tak lame, masuk 1 tahun lebih sikit, dia dah tak nak. Maybe puting adik nie sedap sangat kot....

yours truly,


Anonymous said...

kak fazid,

what a coincident! saya buat jugak apam balik ni last week, hari sabtu sbb tak tau apa nak buat for breakfast. mmg resepi tu sama mcm apam balik msia.hehe..

fazid said...

jiranku...macam berjanji pulak ekk...hehehhe