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Monday, February 1, 2010

One lazy weekend

I have no cooking or baking project yesterday. Just normal routine of grocery shopping, oh yes, a farewell dinner at Little Malaysia with friends. Our old neighbour is moving to Melbourne, so we had makan-makan, kinda open table on Saturday night.

Rain is finally here. 3 days in a row of raining, a bliss after a couple of hot weeks. And looks like it is going to rain again today. Well, summer is ending soon. We now understand, everytime the season is changing, rain will come, as if to mark the boundary, like a starting over for a new season.

Kids have new toys, so they didn't mind playing inside over the weekend. Plus they went over to our neighbour house, so mama had a few hours of privacy that allowed her to catch up on Nigina, Aliff Firdaus, and Jangan Tegur...huhu.

And... our dedicated kettle has decided to raise its white flag. So for two days, I boiled water in a saucepan. To lazy to go out to buy a new one (issshhh pemalas tul...).

And this was just what I made on that lazy weekend.

Instant jelly with vanilla ice-cream....yum


attyfir said...

kty pun layan citer jgn tegur .gak ..

Me, Mrs Taj said...

we need rain also here...

fazid said...

kakty....ssshhhhh....jgn tegur...ahahahhaha

alhamdullillah ms taj, dah 4 hari ujan...sejuk sikit :D

Liza said...

the weather is so hot now, so the jelly look very tempting!

fazid said...

Liza...u tau I teringat apa tau, jello kat KFC tu (skrang dah takde kan)...tu yg buat tu...hehehhe...sib baik ada jeli halal kat sini