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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Pizza lagi...

Dah ku katakan, ku nak pencen dari memasak nie, tapi apakan daya, sudah pastinya takkan tercapai....ahahahhaha.... dah mula mengarut nie. Anyway, I don't have any choice, but to remain faithful with the pots and pans, and frequent the space as often as I need to, to satisfy the hunger of atang. :p ..... I think I left my "cooking" spirit in Malaysia....

Am afraid I will not try any new recipe for a short while. With Ramadhan approaching, I may not try anything new at all, maybe until the Eid. Sorry to disappoint you (ada ke yang disappoint nanti?? perasan sudah....). But I will keep on posting entries on food, because food is synonym with my living in Brisbane, lagi la bulan Ramadhan nanti kan.....hahahahahahah...

OK... last Saturday I tried again making pizza, this time with pepperoni, pineapple and mushroom...upgrade sikit laaa.... and more presentable from the first attempt :D.

Feast your eyes.......

yours truly,


i.s.z.a.n said...

aku teringin nak buat pizza tp oven dr zaman tok janggut sibuk kata nak beli sampai la ni x terbeli2, camno?

ninie said...

lapo lapo lapo pizza...hehehhee

fazid said...

haah babe...bilo lai nak beli? raya nak dekat nie...ahahahhaha

ninie, pizza hut lagi sodap :D

Anonymous said...

salam, find out your blog. interesting. nak tanya mana u beli chicken pepperoni kat brisbane ni?
