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Monday, April 26, 2010

The day I have to grill the chicken

It is officially autumn. Sejuk-sejuk nie, best meals to cook and eat are steamy soups or anything with black pepper in it. I prefer clear soup than white soup, rasa lagi authentic with the rempah and onion taste.Soups or broath will surely keep us warm in this chilly weather.

So one day, I thought of preparing chicken soup for dinner. I know kids will love it, but not atang. Although chicken is atang's fav, he still has a few dishes that I need his permission to cook. Bukan ape, kang penat2 masak tgk atang makan tak berselera, kita pun hilang selera. Although he will eat it, tapi tak beria-ia laaa...And as expected, when I told him that I wanted to cook chicken soup for dinner, he said,"Ala....", but then he said, " masak laaa...atang makan je..." ahahhahah... talk about reverse psychology kan. Sape nak masak camtu, although teringin sangat nak makan nasi panas-panas dengan sup ayam yg pekat.

Anyway, since I have chicken drumsticks and wings in the freezer, nak masak sup pun macam kureng sikit kan (pujuk diri sendiri), but best for grilling. So I immediately googled for recipe. And this recipe caught my attention:

Ayam bakar mayonis
source :

8 ketul drumstick
1 sudu besar mayonis
1 kiub ayam
1 sudu besar kicap manis
1 sudu besar sos tiram
Lada hitam secukupnya-tumbuk
2 ulas bawang putih-tumbuk
1/2cm halia-tumbuk

1.Perap dengan semua bahan-bahan di atas dalam 1/2 jam. Kemudian bakar. Lagi lama perap, lagi sedap. 

For a balance diet, I prepared cold salad and baked some potato together with the chicken. The kids loved it, atang tak payah citer la kan..he practically beaming, "sedap nie yang..." Well, I am happy when they are happy :D (tapi satu hari den nak masak jugak sup ayam pekat...tak kira hehehehe).
yours truly,

1 comment:

Me, Mrs Taj said...

i love grill chicken too...resepi baru ni ayam bakar mayo..