Noticed lately on my friends' wall who are on the same boat with me, I mean literally, this one strong word.
Procrastinate. And the definition:
"To put off doing something, especially out of habitual carelessness or laziness"
"To postpone or delay needlessly."
Aiyah... I guess I am not the only one laaa... though this is a negative vibe, but can't help feeling a little bit relieve. Ehhh...or should I not accept this at all?!!
...alrite...I have exceed the allocated 10 minutes for this entry. Got to start working right away, no more procrastinate for today.
p.s. while I am typing this entry, adik is sitting at atang's desk, punching the keyboard on atang's laptop, immitating me. I was concentrating on writing this and not realising her climbing up atang's chair until I heard the tapping sound coming from my right...ahahahhahah... when I looked at her, she responded, "adik work nih..." owwhhh and that sounds so familiar too
yours truly,
adik dah pandai skrg yer...and you are not the only one, i procrastinate too...
lately dia suke tiru orang hahaha
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