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Monday, April 5, 2010

And our fun day ended...

Pheewwwwhhhh so exhausted both from the journey and the zoo adventure. Feel like resting and put my feet up for the rest of day. Wish I could read Cornwell book, been sitting on the shelf for months. But I have a good theory book to finish. Takpe fazid..tak lame je lagi...think positive...

Glad I have some soto left over and nasi lemak bought from the brisbane nasi lemak seller. We bought four nasi lemak for our lunch today, but still have two more packets. hahahahhahah... to go. I had a very wonderful day today, spending time with love ones on this special day. And I am happy for today I received many happy and warm wishest from friends. Was surprised to see soo many wishes on my wall just now when I login to my fb. Thanks friends for the thoughts. Am totally speechless. So before I go to bed today, I must reply all the messages as a token of appreciation.

A surprised birthday card from my two lil princesses and my hero.

This is the first time I received a birthday card from all of my love ones in one card .... hehehheheh... yaya wrote (and at the same time reading them) the birthday wishes while atang supervise her. I was pretending not to hear anything although I was in close vicinity..ahhahahaha...

Celebrating my 34th birthday with the love ones......PRICELESS!!! 

p.s. will try to post the oz zoo story as soon as I can ya...
yours truly,


attyfir said...

selamat hari jadi ..semoga murah rezeki dan sehat selalu .serta bahagia disamping family tercinta..amin..
cutenya card besday tuh

fazid said...

amin amin...terima kasih kakty... semoga kakty dalam lindungNya...

ahahhah..cute2...tapi babahnya tak boleh beli sorok2...budak2 nie tak bleh simpan rahsia :D