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Thursday, April 30, 2009

tuka selera pulak...poached egg on baguette

Sometimes, when I feel like not having nasi or noodle, I make myself a couple of poached eggs on baguette, spread with margerine, sprinkle some white pepper, and dress with a dashed of chilli sauce.

What is a poached egg? It is an egg that is cooked in boiling water. You need to crack the egg into the boiling water, the egg white will be solidified, while the egg yolk is still runny.

Healthy maaa... hehehhe...


Neeza.Areef said...

wah..menarik bleh dicuba

Mrs Taj said...

serius menarik..mmg kena cuba ni...tak prnh tau bab ni..huuh

Anonymous said...

Sedap ni..kena try..letak egg tu atas bread ye? - maryam

watie wyyn said...

nak cuba suruh yantik la yg buat..woohoo..