"Mama, can I have some bettles? Everyone is going to take them home".
"Some what?", I asked.
"Bettle, you know like a ladybird. I can take care of them. I will feed them with some carrots, lettuce or apples. Ms R says I can take them home if I have the permission."
"But you just had the stick insect, and it's dead." I said
"Owwwhhhh.... please Ma....I promise I will look after them."
Aduhai....kesian pulak dengar. So I agreed to Yaya's request and let her adopt some bettles. At that time, in my mind, I imagined a friendly bettle like the ladybird. Upon hearing my approval, Yaya rushed into the kitchen, looked into the cabinet for a container.
And on the day she returned with the bettle, I was at the office. Just before she was going to bed, she realised she had not introduced me to her new bettle friend.
"Mama, nie la bettle too," said Yaya while holding the container.
Excited, I went closer to her. And what a shocked I had when I saw what was inside the container.
"Eeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii........ apa nih kakak!! This is not bettle."
"Yela...these are mealworms. Nanti dah besar dia jadi bettle laaaa." Yaya tries to explain to her Mama yang dah rasa geli gelaman.......eeeeeeeiiii
"Ok laaa....but don't ask me to feed or do anything to the bettle ekkk... Mama geli." Dan terus jadi bahan ketawa Yaya malam tu. Bangga betul dia bila dapat tau Mama dia nie ada weakness jugak...huhuhu...
Tapi bila dah sehari dua dok tengok, rasa menarik jugak. Berani la jugak telek-telek dan amik gambar. Hahhahaha. Ada citer pasal carrot tu...
"Yaya, who cut the carrot for you?"
"Kakak laaa...." Yaya said.
"Eh...kan mama kata jgn usik pisau." I said.
"No...tu kan carrot dari lauk ayam (padprik) yg Mama masak tu. Kakak basuh dulu."
"Laaaaaaaaa......" den geleng kepala aje laaa...patut la tgk ada bettle yg dah terbalik, kaki kat atas. Penangan padprik rupenya.
p.s. more info on mealworm, click here.
yours truly,
ooohhh silly me...tgh kepala berserabut nie, nak approve comment, tapi ter delete... aduhaiiii....
sorry kakty and ms taj....den terdelete komen. But I remembered kakty was commented lebih kurang camnie "beraninye yaya, tak geli...kalau aunty dah geligeleman" Yaya tu kakty, setakat nie dia takut spider aje. Padahal spider tu duduk ontok2 aje, benda2 yang wiggly nie takde pulak dia geli.
and ms taj, you were asking about whether it is bettle/ladybird kan... unfortunately nie kumbang aje..bukan ladybird... dah makin banyak dlm bekas tu :D
Actually...kalau insect macam ni I ok aje. Asalkan bukan cicak....cicak kecik ke....cicak besar ke. Betul geli!!!! Lagi pulak cicak cicak kat aussie ni besar besar....
haah..betul2... cicak mmg besar2...almost like biawak...
yaya will go very well with ilham, ilham loves this kind of stuff too and he loves watching national geographic and discovery channel...maknyer tak kuasa! geli!!!
hahah...not sure if she will have the same interest once back in malaysia. she has a cat leaving with her wan and atok. tapi makan, mandi, sume orang lain yg buat kan..aduiii
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