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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

10-minutes post: The proof is in the pudding

"The proof is in the pudding"

That is my boss favourite quote. After an hour of discussion, I learnt a lesson,

"Everything is open for discussion"

Hope that I am able to make one good, strong, interpretation and conclusion of what I have, found so far. Hope I have enough ingredients, utensils, the right temperature and the right amount (note the word 'right' but not 'accurate') to make a good, or better, the best pudding.

But again, will everyone enjoy my pudding?

"Que sera, sera"


yours truly,


attyfir said...

salam fazid..kty dtg singgah

Liza said...

hang in there my friend, skit je lagik. when you come back, let's meet ya. hasni pun dah move back to our neighbourhood...

fazid said...

waalaikumsalam kakty...ahahah...tak naik dulu kakty? :D

thanks liza, persevere, patience, tu yg i pegang sekarang, still lacking passion laaa...insyaAllah, one day we will meet again.