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Friday, July 11, 2008

The mother and daughters day out

One fine Saturday (though it was raining cats and dogs outside), I took the kids to Toowong Village. Thirah supply of diapers are out, and there was the half-year clearance at David Jones, so if I get lucky, I can get OSH KOSH baby overall and jumper at half price.

Athirah was sleeping once we arrived at the Village. Sib baik ada trolley fitted with a baby carrier available in the basement... senang..tak payah bawak stroller....

Kak Long... posing while waiting for the lift. Dia tengah pikir nak beli apa la mama tak tau..hehehehhe

I could not find what I am looking for at David Jones so we went to kmart to get some tshirts, pants for both yaya n thirah.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

comfynye si Thirah ..
jauh ker from yr house?