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Thursday, October 9, 2008

Old Town White Coffee, apa statusnye ye??

We took Athirah to Rekha's clinic for the BCG jab. In Australia, they don't provide BCG immunisation to babies. Sian thirah, for two days in a row she had to face uncomfortable situation. Yesterday we took her for 'bersunat', today for a jab. Alhamdulillah she is OK, except for a slight increase of her body temperature today.

Right after the jab. We went straight to Jaya Jusco to buy something for my niece, Irdina's birthday. Though we had celebrated her birthday together with yaya's (the story is coming soon), we havent bought anything for Dina for that occasion.

When we arrived at JJ, we noticed that there is no longer free parking (unless you spend not more than 2 hours at JJ). OK la....the management should implemented it, cuma, keadaan jalan tak sesuai. Kalau banyak kereta, this will create a long Q that would later cause problem to traffic flow. Hope the management will look after this matter.

Anyway, sampai aje, our stomach were rumbling. So we decided to find a place for lunch. We have been tempted to try Old Town since we arrived in Malaysia (nie pengaruh blogger-blogger yang pernah ke situ la nie...hehehe). To the kopitiam we went, dissappointed we found takde tanda Halal at the restaurant. So we were a bit curious akan halal nye makanan kat situ. We circled the kopitiam 2 times, looking for any Halal certificate displayed at the kopitiam. Sad to say, there is none. Yes we are particular with this thing because a number of reasons. Kan dah banyak kes kesahihan makanan halal kat Malaysia nie. Plus living abroad has teach us a lot about halal product. Many times I have came across product that I found contain non-halal substance in Brisbane being sold in Malaysia. Yela, kat Brisbane baru tau pasal non-halal substance nie, kat Malaysia tak pernah ambil tau, kira lalai dan ambil advantage sebab produk di bawa masuk ke Malaysia kan.

Anyway, because there is none Halal certificate displayed at the kopitiam, dah timbul syak kan... so...bila dah curiga jatuh la hukum kan... so we changed our plan and went to TCRS for our lunch. Lagipun staff kopitiam tu sume sahabat mata sepet kita. Sorry, we are very particular about this.

Anybody knows about the Halal status of the kopitiam? We even made query at the information desk about the status, and they too were not sure about the status. Anybody?? Sebab kalau betul halal, nak la rasa roti famous kopitiam tu.

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