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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Ku terpaksa .....

Bye-bye my friend. Selama 1 tahun 7 bulan ku jaga dan ku belai dirimu. Kau telah menemani aku semenjak aku mula menjejakkan kaki di bumi Brisbane...
Sehinggalah aku pulang semula ke Malaysia....
Tapi aku terpaksa akur dengan permintaan ibu ku untuk memberi ruang kepada rakan yang baru.

Hello, to you my new friend.

Pendek la sudah rambut yaya (and me too). Rambut ku sudah mencecah pinggang ku, tapi terpaksa ku ucapkan selamat tinggal...heehheheheh
I would like to recommend you this place. Especially to those who live near BSP. Salun Fairly Anggun, owned by my mak teh ex-PA. It is located 2 doors from seven-11, first floor. You can see a banner on the entrance to the salun.


attyfir said...

potong rambut ke yaya

Liza said...

nak kena try the saloon nie, ada gak choice at bsp...