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Friday, June 13, 2008


I have finally submitted my confirmation document to the panel members. The confirmation date is on 27th June. Doakan saya lalui confirmation seminar dengan jayanya ya. Amin.

I just remember yesterday that I have not taken any picture of my workstation. I actually work more at home. So my study table at home is more cluttered than the workstation.

The place that I spend my time every Thursday n Friday.

I printed out these before 31st August last year....masa tu rindu gilosh kat mesia

Yaya's drawing

Mr F's workstation... notice a loaf of bread n a bottle of jam (bini kat mesia....sian kena makan wuti aje...hehe...)

Dekat ws Mr F nie jugak le tempat solatnye.....

My workstation at home

Notice stacks of paper that I need to read......stress....minggu lepas dan sebelumnya lagi semak meja nie.... orang lain pun takut nak letak barang atas meja tu...nanti dragon mengamuk....huhu

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