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Friday, June 13, 2008

Crap... this is the third time

The concession card has done it again.. this is the third time the card couldnt be read by the green machine. And it will be my third visit to the Brisbane City Council (BCC) for refund and purchase a new card.

The first incident happened on the way to the office. The lady driver took my bad card, stuck a sticker on it, asked me to report it to the BCC, and I rode the bus for free that day. huhu...

The second time, again I was on my way to the office, but the old man who drove the bus, wrote something that indicate fare deduction (kudukut betul orang tua tu!!)....hah...

The third, today, I was on my way back from the office, the card cant be read, the young and generous driver said.."hop in sweetie.." yeihaaa....

(Kalau kat mesia camne ekkk..mesti kena kuar duit syiling gak kan...hahahahah....)

I think the card failure might be because..... I kept the card inside the mobile phone pouch. So maybe the magnetic strip on the card was defective because of the mobile phone...I say maybe.... OK! OK! It is totally my fault. I will keep the card in my wallet (wallet ehhh...not purse) after this.

The card that has failed me...again

Still have 8 unspent fares

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