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Saturday, June 14, 2008

How I baked a cheese cake

Another DIY entry....hehehhehe...

Ok... refering to my previous entry on 'cooking achivement', one of the 'in demand' food (by my family laa) that I made.... is CHEESE CAKE.... I got this recipe from Kak Ida Merpati's fotopages... thank you la Kak Ida sebab create resipe yang senang bangat (untuk orang yang malas cam saya laaa...hehehe). Please check out Kak Ida's fotopages, she has loads of easy to cook recipes published there. And for the cheese cake recipe... please look under 'Cheese Cake' link yaa..

So how I baked my cheese cake?

The ingredients
I use 3/4 of this
2 bar of this (that is 250g x 2)

and 4-5 tbs of butter, 3/4 cup of caster sugar and 1 egg. I omit vanilla essence because I couldnt find non-alcohol contain one.

Base making
Blend this or do it my way..that is...
I smash the biscuit with pestle...hahahah (tip dari Kak Ida actually)
Add in the butter. I will start with adding 3 tbs first, add in more if the breadcrumbs still crumble hahahha... what you are looking for is a bit sticky texture so that you can press the mixture until it form a this...

I use 9in pie plate. Then put this in the freezer or fridge for at least 30 minutes.

The cheese mixture
Beat all this until..
spread the cheese mixture on top of the base.. till it looks like this
put inside a pre-heated oven, at 140 fan forced, for 35-40 minutes

The outcome.....

let it cool down then... masuk dlm fridge kejap kasi keras

...and I am having a piece right now...while editing this entry... sepatutnya letak dlm fridge dulu kan... tapi bila dah napsu mengatasi akal...hahahaha....

bon appetit...

1 comment:

merpati66 said...

baru terperasan comment kat fp akak tu...tahniah cuba resepi sempoi tu kan..sedap kan kan...ada masa leh cuba yang lain2 kan kan..akak suka sangat kalau resepi akak dpt membantu yang jauh diperantauan