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Friday, August 8, 2008

I want to break freee!!!

I am in a very testing period right now. I have to concentrate on a very important task. Bare with me if I am not updating this blog regularly. Loads of story to write, but have to set priority.

Last week was not a good week for me. I was totally depressed. Felt like the earth crumbling down. Honestly. I forgot that I am being tested by The Almighty. I forgot that we can only plan what we want to happen, but He is the one who will make that happen. With Allah will. I forgot that He knows what is best for me. I forgot that He wont test me if I couldnt face it. And I forgot that only to Him you should ask for help. TawakkaltuAllah.

All this hardship has makes me stronger, never give up. Allah has provided you the option, and you have chose this path. So I must be strong, be positive, believing in yourself. Only you can make the change. No one else. You fall, you get up. Look in front, not back.

I am better today. And will getting better.

I am lucky to have family and friends who are always there for me. First and foremost to my hunny bunny, Azri (in arabic it means kekuatanku...yes you are my strength) for understanding and provides me with everything. My mom, dad, loving sis and family, my bro and family who has never stop believe in me. My colleague, Lan, eventhough she is now in China, distance doesnt hinder our friendship and keeps motivating me. Kak Su thanks for lending your shoulder and ears. Ida thanks for everything, only Allah can return your kindness, and you can do it. To Gee, since we have started communicating through YM, you have never fail to encourage me. To Cik (has the junior arrived yet) thanks for sharing your ups and downs and motivating me. And to Mamai, Sabrina, Lin, others that I do not mention here but are never forgotten...many thanks. Pray for my success. InsyaAllah everything will turn up well.


Liza said...

There will be time we felt the lowest of all, I call it a phase...hang in there, like what you mention, Allah only test those He knows strong enough to take it, I pray for your happiness and success my dear friend

fazid said...

thanks liza

Rahiza Haszian Abdul Rahim said...

fazid, take a break ok.
insya-allah, everything will be good.
i know u can do it dear. :)