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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Writing in the sky

Lunatic, madness, freak, crazy... that definately the first thing that cross your mind when you see something that to you, is unacceptable... but does it occur to you that someone who is carrying out the inconceivable thing wants your attention, desperate to do so and has the gut. So who are you to judge ones action, just because you can't and won't probably do it?

That was what I was thinking when I saw this. It was Yaya who first spotted this. We first saw when the airplane was doing some curve and eventually formed an 'S'. "Is it an S?" I asked.

We were on our way to Nando's to have a quick but heavy lunch. Once we reached Nando's, I quickly took out my camera and capture these.

The first word was complete, I believe, in 3 to 4 minutes. "Sorry". So seeking forgiveness was the intention of the pilot.

Must be someone special to this pilot. I was like.... hmmm... why waste money doing this? Why can't you do it in normal way? Probably this was the pilot last resort, after all other efforts went down the drain. Or might be the pilot is desperate to get the attention of the intended person. Nevertheless why should I care...hahahhahah.....

I wanted to wait to snap more pictures on this, and to wait until the name of the person was complete and visible. However, atang can't wait to have the lunch. So this was the last picture I managed to get. "Sorry Ran......" So do you think the message was for a girl or boy?

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