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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Enroute to 'The Grill House'

Recently I have make a point of eating out every Saturday, be it for lunch or dinner or both. It is one way of letting out the steam and not thinking about the research for one day. Can be called as a short break, spending quality time with the family. Therefore every Friday evening, I would ask atang what is our destination for tomorrow (Saturday). And normally it is me who will come up with the idea, cause it is always the case. I will do the thinking and deciding part, while atang will do the driving, getting us to the destination. No need to argue about this, unless I was so distracted that I couldnt think straight, like what happened last time.

Last Saturday outing was special because we were celebrating atang's birthday as well. Yup, 14th of August atang turned 32 yrs old. Although he insisted that we celebrate his birthday in Hijrah year, but this is only recent. I was used to celebrate his birthday using the gregorian year, and it wont hurt anything, so no need to change anything.

In the conjuction of celebrating atang aka babah birthday, we decided to go to somewhere that we have never been before. The Grill House, at 2892 Logan road, opposite Underwood central. Anyway, we have planned to go to this place last month. But the whole family was down with the flu, so we called off the trip.

Our only Malaysian neighbour, Lan, recommended this restaurant. The Grill House served steak, burger, pizza, and briyani with chicken tandoori. Yummy. Being adventurous, we didnt used atang's best mate (the navman) for direction. Instead we relied on UBD aka ref. index. Atang was sure of the way, the only mistake we made (and blame it to our neighbour...haha....sorry Lan) was we got the address wrong. So we were lost, and went up and down the same road, without realising that we were actually have arrived at the restaurant.

I took this picture because of the KUMON signage, not realising that the Grill House is there. At this time we were waiting for the light to perform a U turn because we thought that we have missed the restaurant. You see, we got the address of the restaurant at 1897, but actually the restaurant is located at 2892. And that was why we made the U turn.

Yaya was feeling desperately hungry and sleepy. It was almost 1pm. After performing the U turn, we still couldn't locate the restaurant. Of course, we have got the address wrong. And then I realised I have a business card of a shop selling Muslim clothes, during the fete celebration at Brisbane Muslim School earlier this month. I remembered asking the owner where the shop is located, and she said next to the Grill House. Then it strucked me, might be the same Grill House she referring to. So I took out the the card from my handbag, and looked at the address.

2892, Logan Road. So I said to atang, "this must be it, because I remembered the owner mentioned the restaurant...".

To be continued.....


Liza said...

happy birthday to atang...and fazid, i hope you had a good break!

fazid said...

thanks liza... I did...:D