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Thursday, May 14, 2009

Bread and cheese pudding

I have some left over (almost expired) bread, so I made this pudding for atang's lunch box last week. Recipe from Kak Ida's fotopages.

10 slices of bread
2 cups of fresh milk
1/2 cup of brown sugar
250gm of Philly (cream cheese)
1 egg
1 tsp of vanilla essence
Some raisins

1. Preheat the oven at 180deg C.
2. Arrange the breads in a baking tray then pour the fresh milk on top of the bread. Put aside for 15 minutes.
3. Beat the cream cheese until soft, then add in the egg, brown sugar and vanilla essence.
4. Pour the cheese mixture on the bread. And sprinkle some raisins on top.
5. Bake for 20 minutes or until cook.
6. Let it cool before cutting the pudding.


watie wyyn said...

meleleh da ni...atas bawah (air liur dgn air mata)percaya ke?

Me, Mrs Taj said...

jelesla tgk akak slalu masak..buat me meleleh air liuq!

fazid said...

ahahahhaha.... klu leleh kasi buat satu kali laaa :D

ala...tu projek ujung minggu laaa...kat sini nak buat ape lagi kan...tapi kalau kat mesia, ujung minggu pun penuh aktiviti, belum tentu dapurku berasap juga :D

attyfir said...

fazid..sedapnya..campak kt kty skit..

fazid said...

ok kakty...ready aaaa :D

Liza said...

sedapnyer nampak, lapar tau, nak try lah this weekend