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Thursday, May 28, 2009

Nasi Briyani Iza

I tried different style of preparing Nasi Briyani on Sunday. Before this, I just followed the instruction at the back of Faiza' Briyani packet.

(laziness struck me last weekend, so I bought ready to use garlic and ginger paste...pardon my horrible handwriting :p)

For recipe, visit my friend, Iza's blog.


attyfir said...

huhuhuh..lapo..nya tgk nasi beriyani..

Me, Mrs Taj said...

lorrr nasi beriyani pulok??? bau smpi ke sini haaaa....shedapnya!!!!!!!

Neeza.Areef said...

ala fazid ni asal masak je msti npk sedappp...

fazid said...

kakty, den teringat nasi beryani ghazal laaaa

ms taj, rempah faiza tu mmg sedap...cuba laaa

ahahahha....kasi letak gamba angle yang menarik aaa neeza... awak masak nasi beryani mesti lagi sedap... johor mali