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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Preparation part one

This week I was busy with making travel arrangement to Hyderabad. I need to wait for the second notification of acceptance before I can book a return air ticket and make a reservation at suggested hotel. Alhamdullillah, 2 papers that I have been working for a month finally get through. The second notification came on Saturday night. I was told about it by my research colleague, Ida. She is going as well. So, last Sunday we booked Malaysian Airlines to Hyderabad. We were lucky cos we managed to get the discounted air fare. The closing promotion date was on the 17th, that Sunday. Talk about rezeki kan.

We have made room reservation as well. We will be there for 6 days, half of the stay will be sponsored by the conference, so we need to pay for the rest of the stay. Conference registration is settled. Only two more things. Visa application (for entering India) and a return ticket back to Malaysia. I will be taking the flight to Hyderabad from KLIA. So I am planning to have a few days break before going off, spending time with my two little princesses and beloved parents.

Futhermore, since I am travelling alone this time (atang is not following sob.. sob..) I need to make sure my hands are clear to handle the luggage and documents. So carrying a laptop bag, a handbag and a suitcase would be a messy thing (ya, selalu I will only carry the handbag :D), so I bought myself a laptop backpack, senang, humban everything inside the bag. I can put my empty handbag inside the suitcase then. So I spent the entire Saturday looking for the best bargain on the internet. And I found this website which offers a reasonable price with a variety of selection RushFaster. Together with the backpack, I placed an order for Thirah's diaper bag. Dah alang-alang nak dipos kan. They received my order on Monday (dah Sabtu kan ari cuti). I received an email from them, informing about the dispatch yesterday, and today, the package arrived at my doorstep. Memang cepat, dan memudahkan, because I don't know where I can find a store that sells laptop bags in Brisbane.

What more, they have this 90 days return policy. Tapi tak pulang laaa, mmg puas hati :D.


watie wyyn said...

yeayyy da nak flight ek??sure tak sabar nak jupe kids kan??klu nampak fm kat hyderabad tu ingat2 la kat weols..whoops..lallala

fazid said...

ahahahha insyaAllah..kite akan carinya :D

MayaEnd said...

bestnyer....sambil attend conference boleh jalan-jalan ;oD safe journey key....

Neeza.Areef said...

slmt jln...

fazid said...

thanks maya, harap2 dapat la lari kejap utk jalan2 :D

thanks neeza