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Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Latest collection

Like the famous saying.... cooking is the best therapy. Well maybe not for some. But it is definately true for me. So to get my mind away from all the tense and messy things about research, I dedicate some time in the kitchen. And I have invested not just time but money on things that related to cooking, including these books.

The Italian, Chocolate and Chicken recipe books just cost me AD12 in total. The cupcakes book is the latest edition. I found the recipe for the buttercream that I used to cover up the mess on my blueberry cheesecake from this book.

And these are catalogues that I received everyweek in the mail :D. They called it Junk Mail...Junk or not, bleh rehat2 kan mata nie...and being tempted at the same...huhu


watie wyyn said...

weols pun suka masak..tpi malas..hik3 aci tak??woohoo

Neeza.Areef said...

mmg rajin siap bli buku2 masak

fazid said...

ahahah...setuju mummy yaeesh... kalau kat mesia bercinta la nak buat2 kek nie...kat sini takda pilihan :D

neeza, rajin tengok je heheheh, setakat nie baru cube dua resepi :D