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Friday, May 15, 2009

I bow and say "Thank You"

Remember that "misteri blog ini" entry? I did requested some of you to do the tag (for those who have not done it ye...and for those yang belum tu...ehem ehem huhu). Anyway it has been awhile since I last visited my friend's Jas blog. So when I was reading her blog today, I came across the homework I left her, and answering question no. 5, she wrote....

5) Apakah pendapat anda mengenai blog kepada pemilik blog yg tag anda ini?

It covers a variety of topics. Maturity is evident from her writing. Unlike my blog that is. I especially like the entries where she covers cake recipes. How I wish she's near so that I can taste a bit hehehe


What captured my attention is the word maturity...well (ku terasa macam tua sangat la jas) I hope she is referring to the content ya, but not like orang tua membebel wakakakakkaka...because I do membebel in here from time to time. Anyway was flattered at the same time.

Actually the pleasure is mine. Writing is a passion, and I thank all of you for visiting and reading my rambling ya. Terima kasih banyak-banyak. I gained a lot of new friends from blogging. Hope the friendships do not end here, and hope to see you, my friends in the real-world.

And about the cooking bit....hehehe... like I said, I cook to soothe myself :D. Plus we don't have anything to do/go in the weekend, and the kitchen is equipped with an oven. So with all these reasons I work myself in the kitchen, to put my mind away kejap :D. Don't know if I will be the same back home (no oven kat rumah laa). Tapi kalau dapat share makan-makan memang seronok kan.

Wokeh, I was fasting yesterday, and for iftar I prepared blackpepper beef, a recipe given by my friend Gee. Thanks Gee for the recipe, something new, and delicious, mmg rasa kuah steak laaa, daging pun takde rasa macam kering tau.

So, have a great weekend ya. Am sure need to work on weekend, but am looking forward for the premier of Harper's Island on Sunday. Terngiang-ngiang suara budak perempuan tu, "one by one...." hehehe. But I read the review, it is beyond expectation, hope I have different opinion.


watie wyyn said...

yekot fazid..sbb ur writing bkn sbb ur bebelan!
setuju gak dgn jas tu bile dia wish nak dok dkt2 uma u..bleh g ngecek ape yg u masak tu!nak gak....woohoo!

attyfir said...

kalo kty dok dkt ngn faizd pun leh ngecek apa fazid masak..

dah ler sedap2 belaka..

Me, Mrs Taj said...

agree with sis JAS..from A to Z, honestly..

fazid said...

terima kasihhhhhh (kena sebut stail david arumugam) :D

jyss said...

hahaha the content obviously. age wise..don't forget, kita serupaaaaa (nyanyi macam headwind tuh) :p