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Monday, May 4, 2009

Labour day weekend and two awesome shows

Australia celebrating Labour Day today. Though it does not effect my work, but it bring less pressure and a long weekend. We visited two exhibitions yesterday. One will surely excite model trains collectors and the other will amaze vintage cars admire with the custom-made and the airbrush.

Sneak peek at these exhibition.

These exhibitions: "Brisbane model trains" and "Hot rod" will end today.
p.s. opppsss I was told by my friend in Sydney that they are not on holiday today. So maybe only in Queensland.


Me, Mrs Taj said...

wahhh mesti seronok kn? klu bwk budak2 lg excited derang nih..

watie wyyn said...

minat gak vintage car...teringin sangat nak ada kete mr bean tu...ada dlm wishlist tu..woohoo

fazid said...

haah ms taj, budak2 mmg excited tambah pulak bila banyak thomas :D

classic tu mummy yaeesh... kete mini hehheh ... model skrang mahal giler babas :D

Mrs Taj said...

thomas? huhuhuh mak2 budak mesti kenal thomas kn? hiiih