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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

|From My Mobile Blog| Serabut...serabai...

Serabuttttt betul skrang.... Banyak benda nak complete before going to Hyderabad. Dan banyak juga benda nak diuruskan, tiket, lodging, visa..... kepala pun dah berserabut :p

This is my home office. Yup, dulu I had one big table kan. When we moved into this new apartment, atang advised me to use a smaller table because the old one is too bulky to put in the living room (well, the living room is smaller than the old apartment living room) and, since I will spend most of my working hours in the office, so I decided to move the old table into the garage, and use this folding table instead. Tapi......tengok apa dah jadi sekarang...

Sometimes I need to work at home, especially when I need to do serious reading, and writing. When I need to focus, I prefer a more secluded place (and quiet). Kalau ruang besar2 nie, kang mata pun luas la memandang, lepas tu berangan. Lepas tu bila orang lalu lalang, telinga pun mendengar, dan mata pun sibuk la nak melihat....wakakakakkaka..... So I am more like a horse in a race. Perlu ditutup sikit matanya supaya ia fokus ke depan sahaja. Ok dah start melalut.

So what is on my table for these couple of days (and going and going....). The papers you see in the picture are my survey responses, that need to be key-in, translate, review the translation, and analyse. Everything need (bukan have lagi dah) to be completed by the end of this month (2 minggu lagi adehhh). The books need to be read before the conference. My office table is getting out of space nowadays. Can't even find a place to comfortably put my elbow, it has to be on top of either some papers, or books. And yet they say research students have more space at the workstation. Duhhhhhh

And why I am working from home today, I have 2 strong reasons. 1) Need to get all the survey responses in MSWord, by today. 2) The IT people still have not solve the problem that I am facing with a software (dah 3 minggu nie, tulun la buat sesuatu, tak lame lagi nak start data analysis). Jadi kang kalau diorang nak troubleshoot, tak bleh guna machine. So baik ku melarikan diri dari workstation tu.

Sorry friends, this is more like a rambling than informing ya...wakakakakakkaka... (kes kelapa kepala serabut dah nie)

6 more weeks to go until Terbang ke Langit Biru lagi (maybe singgah Mesia jap, jenguk anak2, guling2 ngan anak2, peluk kuat2 anak2.....rindu bangattttt)


Me, Mrs Taj said...

a'ah rsnya dulu meja besar tp skang dh jd kechik..hehehe mmg serabut klu time buat assignment esp bila due dh makin dekat and bnyk benda nk kena buat lagi..still remember the experience!

anyway good luck sis!

watie wyyn said...

pesttt..weols yg dgr ni pun da rasa serabut giler..adeh..patutlah weols tak smbung study..abis degree dok uma sajork!hik3

uols mmg strong la fazid..dgn anak2 takde kat sisi..u go girl!set ur ming bleh3..mesti boleh punye kat ke malaysia boleh!woohoo

attyfir said...

fazid..mesti boleh..kty doakan kejyaan fazid..

Neeza.Areef said...

tgk wayar2 selirat bwh meja tu...

fazid said...

TQ ms taj, mummy yaeesh, kakty dan neeza. bergulung2 wayar tu kan, yg gulung banyak tu wayar telefon :D