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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Ramadhan Day 28: So sad Ramadhan is leaving...

Today is the 28th day of Ramadhan. Feel sad that the Ramadhan is leaving. But it is so ironic kan, when at the start you want things to go quickly, but when you are nearing the end you want it to go really slowly. Honestly, this Ramadhan, my appreciation towards Ramadhan sangat kurang, was pretty busy with the writing, more worried about the research, rather than enjoying the fasting month. Hopefully I will be able to go through next coming Ramadhan penuh dengan rasa syukur, able to appreciate every single day of it. Harap dapatla ke masjid untuk tarawih sok-sok.

OK... hmmm since Ramadhan is ending, kite tukar mood raya pulak. Am going to work until 2pm today, that is about 2 hours from now, then I need to prepare things for cooking today, then off to fetch yaya and have a brief meeting with her teacher. It is nearing the end of the school term as well, next week is the last week of school for this term, then the school will be temporary close for 2 weeks. Then balik rumah, solat, then I will start cooking for iftar, at the same time preparing ingredients for gotong royong tomorrow, yup this is regarding to our kongsi raya open house, insyaAllah on Friday. I will be incharge of the kuah kacang, aiyoh, never cook for 200 people lorrr.... nervous den. So tonight I will need to call mak for tutoring, hohoho. Then, tonight, I will make kek batik for the open house. Masak siap2, kang besok tak sempat. Nasib baik semalm dah gosok baju raya siap-siap.

Oh yes, just for the record, adik has been without the pacifier for two weeks now. Satu pencapaian yang baik. Though sometimes she asked me about it, but I kept telling her that her puting dah busyuk, nanti sakit perut. She accepts the excuse everytime, yela dengan rupe puting yang dah hampir nak hancur tu, what more she can do kan. I will definitely not buying her a new one.

Ok laaa... jom dengar lagu raya...hahahha... since we are not going home for raya this time, these two songs really reflect our feeling currently.... but somehow I don't really care...because what ever it is, this is going to be our last raya here xD

I may not be able to blog really well for the next couple of days, yela with the gotong royong n open houses, tak sempat. But I may update through mobile, so it is going to be short everytime. Moreover, my time will be pretty tight with the dateline approaching, aiyoh less than a month before the milestone, tengok task nak kena buat sebelum 'batu jalan' muncul pun dah tercunggap-cunggap, so maybe this is the last long entry kot, before I can find a very suitable time to write a good long story. So until we meet again, selamat berbuka, selamat hari raya, selamat jalan raya, selamat makan-makan di hari raya, apa-apa pun biar sederhana ok. 

yours truly,

1 comment:

Liza said...

i am sad ramadhan is leaving too, entahlah tahun depan dapatkah kita jumpa ramadhan lagi