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Perseverance is a great element of success. If you knock long enough and loud enough at the gate, you are sure to wake up somebody.-- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Today is the 23rd day of Ramadhan. And today, the first time since we came to Brisbane, we missed the sahur. Aiyoh.... Adik was not feeling well yesterday, she caught the flu. So she woke up every hour, tossed and turned and mumbling in her sleep, and of coz I would then have to wake up to check on her, so both of us had a restless night last night. I did set the alarm, but because I was feeling tired and still sleepy, I dozed off again after switching off the alarm, and hope that I would wake up 5 minutes later. But when I woke up again, it was half an hour after the fasting begins. Aiyoh.... Due to this circumstance, we allowed Yaya to skip fasting today, but I kept reminding her, this is only for this year. Next year, no matter what, she has to fast. She looked confuse this morning, yela tetiba tak puasa pulak. And then I asked her if she wants me to prepare her lunch box, and she said yes. So I said to her,"eh, nanti kawan-kawan nampak cakap yaya tak puasa, kakak ok ke? She replied, "ala, kakak cakap la mak saya tak bangun sahur, jadi saya tak puasa harinie". Aiyoh...mama dia juga yang kena. Anyway, that is the story.
Ok laa... lagi seminggu nak raya kan, nak post iklan raya kat sini. Thanks liza for sharing this advertisement on FB. One of my favourite raya advert from Petronas. But I like the Malay version better, lagi terasa, menusuk ke jiwa.
Pesanan @ self-reminder: Jangan berkira dengan ibu dan bapa, pengorbanan mereka membesarkan kita tidak boleh dinilai dengan sebarang bentuk pengukuran yang ada kat dunia nie pun. Mereka pula tidak mengharapkan pembalasan material di dunia ini, hanya kasih dan sayang, serta perhatian dari anak-anak, seperti mana yang telah mereka berikan pada kita dahulu. Hargai mereka sementara masih ada peluang, yang tiada, masih lagi boleh berbuat demikian dengan berdoa semoga dosa-dosa mereka diampunkan. Harta untuk ibu bapa yang telah tiada adalah anak-anak yang soleh yang sentiasa mendoakan keampunan untuk ibu dan bapa.
OK...petang nie kami berbuka di masjid, InsyaAllah. Till we meet again, selamat berbuka, biar sederhana.
p.s. nie yang buat den rindu mak dan abah sangat-sangat nie....huhuhu
hahaha...ramai gak yg missed sahur smlm, i noticed from a few blog posts. kalau kat mesia mmg every year akan ada incident miss sahur nie, tapi kat brisbane nie smlm la first time. saje nak bagi kenangan la tu..huhuhu
iklan petronas memang besh .
kty setkt ni lom miss lagi sahur.
kty, betul2...mmg selalu ditunggu iklan raya petronas. tapi dah lame takde iklan raya baru kan...
tu la kty, dah la masak banyak...hehehhe...
fazid, what a coincedence, i missed sahur too, so kesian my kids, they still nak puasa though tak sahur, alhamdulilah, ok smua
hahaha...ramai gak yg missed sahur smlm, i noticed from a few blog posts. kalau kat mesia mmg every year akan ada incident miss sahur nie, tapi kat brisbane nie smlm la first time. saje nak bagi kenangan la tu..huhuhu
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