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Friday, May 8, 2009

One banana...two banana... and with 4 bananas I made a Bread Banana

Yaya sang me this song when I called her up last weekend.

"One, banana...two, banana...three, banana..." :D

Another baking project. Atang is getting tired of banana cake, so I need to try different recipe. Again from kak noreen's homecooking.


2 eggs
80ml buttermilk
120 vegetable/canola oil
225gm banana, mash them (I used 4 ripe bananas)
300gm sugar
220gm plain flour
5gm sodium bicarbonate (1 teaspoon)
3gm salt (a pinch of salt)
60gm chopped pecan/almond/walnut - optional (I add raisins and cinnamon powder)

1. Shift the flour, together with sodium bi, and salt.
2. Whisk eggs, buttermilk, oil, banana and sugar (or pop everything inside the food processor).
3. Add flour into the banana mixture.
4. Optionally you can add nuts or raisins. And, I add some cinnamon powder.
5. Mix well, and pour the mixture in a greased loaf pan.
6. Bake for 1 hour and 20 minutes at 165 degC or until skewer inserted came out clean.

and my fav tag line "yummy"


watie wyyn said...

mesti cute jerk yaya nyanyi lagu tu kan??terbayang2 dia kuarkan jari sambil hangguk2 ikut beat lagu tu...woohoo...

hmanggaiiii...menyelerakan sungguh!klu dekat mau ku terjah umamu!woohoo

Neeza.Areef said...

naik je kek tu...

fazid said...

naik sebab baru kuar oven tu...lepas tu jatuh menjuman :D

Me, Mrs Taj said...

eeee best la tgk org pandai baking2 ni...jeles tau!

fazid said...

ala ms taj, takde la pandai...ikut je instruction tu :D

Rahiza Haszian Abdul Rahim said...

fazid, that looks really yummy!

fazid said...

looks and taste yummy iza...cuba laa

K Su said...

uishh shedaapnyaa....
naik gebu....
fazid memang terer buat kek laa

fazid said...

kak su, kalau jadik tu, tahniah kepada yg kongsi resepi sebab bagi clear instruction (how i wish we get the same action from the bosses). tapi kalau tak jadi tu, den la punye pasal :D