Today is the 3rd day I am in Hyderabad, 2 more days to go. The doctoral consortium was great. I got good feedback and suggestion given both from IS scholars and research colleague. I met and did networking with some people. What an opportunity to meet renowned IS researchers, such as Prof Samba and Prof Ritu, that before this I only knew them from their papers.
There were also some uncomfortable incidents happened, which I will write later. One of it is I have swollen ankle, I missed a step, so I sprained the ankle. But nonetheless, I went up Charminar, kalau tak rugi oooooo.....
The Charminar.... been soo excited to come here and climb the winding stairs. There are 149 steps to the top, but we were only allowed to enter level 1. Can't remember how many steps to go up to level 1, I was carefully arranging my step so not to injure my ankle more. But it was worth it.
So many excitement, both good and scary too. Driving in Hyderabad mmg giler scary. Plus there are many beggers in Charminar. They will follow you, touching you, my friend got her head rubbed by one of the beggers. Giler scary.....
OK.... I have two more papers to present tomorrow and day after. Will write more soon.
yours truly,
Sounds like a fun and exciting life! Good luck on those papers and watch out for those beggers ... macam bebudak kat Tijuana lak!
suka tgk pintu gerbang tu cantek.unique..takecare fazid..
salam kenal "Precious" indeed, but I may not coming here again, unless people pay me too...wakakakaka...but other areas in Hyderabad were not so bad, only charminar. tapi tu laa...bny barang cantik2 bleh bila kat situ, tapi beggers ramai
kakty..mmg cantik kan...senibina Islam tu...400 tahun dulu tempat diorang solat jumaat
Waaaa~ siok eh (Bruneian way of saying seronok! hehe)...enjoy the seminar dear...those feedbacks will definitely help in our write ups...take care dear...send my love to Yaya and Thirah..lots of love from Aunty Halida heheh ;)
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