Anyway, nothing out of ordinary happened last week. Been visiting my data, again and again, (bila la nak abis nih), preparing for the data analysis. And I should be worrying about the analysis, because I have no experience with the analysis, really depend on the material I have, and the sifoos. Kalau sifoo tipu...maka tipu juga la den...wakakakkakak....honestly the result of stats really depends on your understanding of what the outcome presents. Your interpretation is most crucial at this stage, so you should have a sound knowledge about the test that you gonna use. Kalau salah faham, you will end up using the wrong stats. Bila dah salah guna, of coz la result tak bleh pakainye. Remedy.... owwhhh better not think of any alternative. Sorry, no contigency plan, really hope nothing goes wrong laa... tick tock...tick tock....times ticking...
I have just finished labelling yaya's school uniform before typing this. It is only the first term of school, and she has already lost a lot of her school stuff. The last one was her school t-shirt, and she didn't even realised she had been wearing somebody else's t-shirt for a couple of days. Until I wash her uniform and notice the faded school badge printed on her t-shirt. can that be, it was just 4 weeks of school, takkan dah pudar kan. Suspicious, I looked for her name that wrote on the t-shirt, and realised a mistake. I wrote her name on the washing label, instead on the t-shirt. And the label was cut-off. Moreover, instead of finding her name, I found someone else's name. And that proved that the t-shirt didn't belong to yaya. Next, I noticed the name written on the t-shirt has already faded, so I assumed that it was a hand-me-down t-shirt. Marah betul den at that time. Yaya pulak tak perasan, tapi patut la hari yg dia balik tu, dia kata nak tukar baju, sebab baju tu busuk. Rupenya.... issshhhh... so I have two hypotheses: 1. Yaya misplaced her baju, or maybe tertukar while changing into her swimming suit, terkeluar dari bag ke for instance. or 2. Somebody swapped it, sebab ada yg tak swimming jadi ada peluang utk swapping. And...we all pulak malas nak fikir or complaint, so we bought yaya another t-shirt. Dan kali nie sume den label dengan marker and correction liquid, dekat atas, dekat belakang, dekat bawah....ahahahhahahha.... And yaya gets the warning of course, sebab dia lalai if she realised that she is wearing someone else's t-shirt immediately, she could mention it to her class teacher, so maybe boleh selesaikan masalah tertukar ke...or terambil. Anyway case close, a lesson for both yaya and us.
Am still using my phone camera. Last Friday, we went to a camera repair shop. There are good and bad news. The good news is the camera can be fixed, but the bad news is, the cost of fixing it is almost the price of a new camera with upgraded specifications. Aiyoyoyoyo, can't afford to buy a new one right now laaa....Have asked atang to apply his electronic hi-fi system skill for fixing the camera, since the skill camera man said the cost is the same as buying a new one. So if something goes wrong when atang fixing it, I will not loose anything right, coz I still have to buy a new one. If we are lucky, and atang's hand did an amazing (miracle) job, I will save the money. Just hope atang can fix it.
....our last autumn in Brisbane...will enjoy it while we still can...
yours truly,
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