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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

my Eyes play Trick on me

aha.... I did say that am restricting myself for grabbing a new book right. But I can't help it. Books are cheaper here (in AUD), so I can easily be tempted. I was at a book store, looking for some children books that I can give to a friend's daughter for her birthday. I spent about half and hour in the book store, and 3/4 of the time I spent not for the present, but reading back cover of some books, for me...hehehe... And I decided to buy this one (and the present of course) with that little bookmark.

But I haven't started reading it, at least yet, at least for a couple of months, maybe until I am so depressed with the work, or maybe sooner. I don't know... hmmmm


attyfir said...

lama dah tak beli novel.selalu pinjam je kat library

Me, Mrs Taj said...

owhhh i love novels!!!..romantic one of course..kat sana cheaper ke? kat sini klu overseas pny buku bapak punya mahal...kan best klu spend RM100 dpt beli 10 buah buku!!! adoi...novel ari tu dh hbs next novel? hurmmmm

fazid said...

kak atty, ada kedai yg loan 2nd hand book kat warta tu kan...kalau g warta mesti singgah kedai tu

ms taj, kalau normal price mmg tak berbaloi beli, sebab lagi mahal dari malaysia. tapi sebab kedai2 sini slalu buat disc, bleh dapat buku under $10, kadang2 tu $5, untuk buku baru...which is OK la sangat2...ahahhahaha