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Friday, February 13, 2009

am Flat-out, nothing is new

Been super busy, am writing a paper for a conference, which the due date is around the corner. Have some entries that yet to be published, but have no enough time to review them. This including a homework that was given by Ms IsZan last week (jangan marah babe). Wait aaaa...

What I can say about this week is, it has been an enjoyable week, lot of happy and satisfying things happened, but many other things to complete before end of this week. Stressful indeed, but in a positive way that keeps me moving and evolving. Met new people. Was demotivated at the beginning of the week, felt like in a black-hole, with unsettling issues circling around you.

But yesterday received ensuring remark, seeing things in other perspective, and realised, there is always a way, as long as you have the will to find/do it.

Keywords: confidence, never give up, intelligence and tawakal to Allah

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck with ur paper and take care sis..happy weekends!

p/s anyway, if u dun mind can i have ur email..(mybe u can just email me at