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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Mungkinkah kita terpedaya...

Thank you all, for your comment about yesterday's entry. We have a Malaysian Student's mailing list here in Brisbane as a means of communication, and recently a member has forwarded that yahudi article thru the mailing list. Soon, a student replied the email with some interesting remarks. Kudos to him for sharing the information.

1. Ada artikel yang berkaitan dengan artikel ini: http://bedtimestori e.blogspot. com/2009/ 02/who-fish- is-dr-stephen- carr-leon. html

2. Pada mulanya saya macam nak percaya juga artikel ini, tapi tangan ni dah macam automatic pulak gatal nak melakukan verification maklumat. Maka di-google-kan apa2 yang boleh di-google-kan. Sangat sukar untuk mencari thesis itu dan tuan punya diri Stephen Leon Carr. Mungkin ada, cuma tak jumpa lagi.

3. I also found someone named Reuben Stephen Carr. He's a rabbi (Jewish priest). Yes, he wrote many books on how to raise a child for jewish people. It's good to learn how different nations raise their children - Jewish, Arabs, German, Jepun, Singapore, Australia, American, etc. Setiap bangsa ada kelebihannya. Hikmat itu seperti barang yang hilang bagi mukmin. i.e wherever you find hikmah, that's yours. However, I think it would be better to study what Islam says first. There is a nice book by Abdullah Nasih Ulwan titled "Pendidikan Anak-anak dalam Islam." It covers from before the birth till adult life. You'll be surprise how detail it is to produce a warrior. It is the parent who will be tired, not the child.

4. Ada beberapa artikel pendek. Antaranya, artikel ni dari Pejabat Mufti Brunei. http://www.brunet. bn/gov/mufti/ alhadaf/sept98/ h_medan.htm Dan satu lagi dari http://www.ismaweb. net/v2/Article22 0.html .

5. Treat this as another training for us to identify hoax information in the information highways. Use google to check, and if you are still not satisfied, go make telephone calls to the physical authority (if it is possible to do that). Do not fully trust this virtual world, full of lies and some truth (or may be the other way around?). It's a storage and a medium used by all type of people to transmit what they know and also what they don't really know, with various intent and goals. Happy Internet-ting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

dah agak dah..ini mesti salah satu anasir org2 yahudi nk memesongkan akidah umat islam..
