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Monday, February 2, 2009

"The A-Z of the Unusual Jobs"

I have just finished reading Stephen King's Lisey Story (wait for my review this week) and am restraining myself from grabbing a new book at the moment. So, to accompany me on the bus every morning, I keep Reader's Digest Asia edition in my tote bag. This morning an article about Unusual Job attracted me. Was imagining of shifting to some of the jobs listed in the digest.

"The A-Z of the Unusual Jobs (ref: Reader's Digest Asia (January 2009))"
Autopsy assistant
Bartender at the Liberace mansion
Cat nanny (I can do this job, I loves cat)
Donkey trainer
Elf at Santa's workshop
FBI fingerprint examiner (they actually have a post for this? sure have a lot of fingerprints to analyse nowadays)
Grave digger (ini dari dulu dah ada kan)
Hurricane hunter (yup... Twister the movie)
Ice sculpture carver (must be very efficient and fast to work in this line)
Junk mail machine operator
Kitty litter box decorator (nice... I can be creative too :P)
Laser tag referee
Magician's assistant ( they have pay scheme for this?)
Nuclear electrician on a submarine (pergghhhh I wonder what is the qualification?)
Opera singer (pavarotti)
Parachute tester
Quality control taster for a chocolate factory (I want...I want... Is there an opening at Hershey's?)
Romance specialitst (ahaks... not good at this area)
Scratcher (scratching backs of patients) (wooo... )
Turkey wrangler (ganas nie...)
Undercover vice decoy
Video game tester (yup...I know a website/game provider that offer this, wish I can apply for that, but I can easily get frustrated when am not making any progress with the game. that's why am not good at most computer games (especially a single player game))
Wallpaper peeler (ohh this is easy, just can't stand the sweeping job)
X-ray technician for zoo animals
Yawn counter at a sleep clinic (am afraid the patient is the one counting my yawn ahahhaha)
Zamboni (ice resurfacer driver) (Zamboni?? Is it the name of the ice vehicle)

So...what do you think??

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