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Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Wake up and smell Jasmine

Yesterday, for some reason I feel wonderful, happy, and sooo relieve. I can't explain why, can't even isolate the main reason I felt sooo happy. Too many things contributed to that, entwined. Anyway, yesterday I woke up, and after getting ready to go to the office, I went out the balcony, to take a deep breath (for it is going to be a long day) and inhaling a lovely and sweet smell of Jasmine. It was raining early in the morning, and the Jasmines were starting to bloom. Just 2 days back, I took some pictures of the buds.

There are loads of them, and the smell....soooo refreshing, in addition to the after-rain smell.

I then plucked a bunch of them, and put them into a container (the only container that I can grab), and placed them in the middle of the coffee table.

Alhamdullillah, am able to smell and to see wonderful thing created by Allah.

[a special dedication to my dearest friend Gee, for her birthday. The jasmines were blooming yesterday, to commemorate your birthday.]



cantiknyer bunga tu

Me, Mrs Taj said...

i love jasmine prnh mntk tlg my dad tanam kat umah, tp dia tak nk..reason? hurmm nk tanam sendiri tgn me panas, kang mati pokok tu plak..