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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Penawar rindu...

Almost 6 months since we last saw our two little angels. And it has been awhile since I last wrote about our two little angels. Not that I don't have anything to write about them, in fact, I have plenty. I often on the verge of tears whenever I write about them, even speak about them. So I have been avoiding to talk about them. But that was a long time ago, well not that long actually. A couple months back, I have accepted the situation. The most important thing is, they are happy living with their Atok and Wan back home. Listening to them on the phone, talking to yaya on the phone twice a week, keep me going, and help me to stay strong.

However...... watching them growing up is a wish that I know can't be fulfilled at this time of being. Dapat tengok gambar diorang pun jadi laaaa.... So yesterday my SIL sent the latest pictures of our two little angels. I am so happy.... can't explain exactly how I feel. Rasa macam legaaaaa sangat...ahahhahahaha....dapat la lepas rindu kami kat sini.....


thirah (last jumpe thirah tak bleh jalan lagi..skrang nie ligat, memanjat, melompat)

My sister-in-law with our two little angels. Thank you very much Adik (my SIL's nickname).

Tak sabarnye...lagi sebulan


amai said...

beb, safe trip yea
calling2 ah smpi sban nanti..
leh lepak..hahhaha
take care

Neeza.Areef said...

xpe fazid...pendam rindu dulu..

u kena tag tauu..jwb ya

Me, Mrs Taj said...

dah tak lama dah tu..pejam celik pejam celik tgk2 dah smpi KLIA!

take care sis!

fazid said...

amai....jom ngeteh...nanti kite calling2 aaaa

hehehe neeza...bisa pendam lagi...ada homework ekk...elok gak tu..den dah kehabisan idea nak nulis..nanti kite singgah 'umah' awak ekk..

menghitung hari ms taj...ahahaha.. tak nak buat terserempak kat KLIA ke? huhu

attyfir said...

ekekek..kalo fazid jumpa kty kt klia..konal ke den...hehehhe..

fazid said...

insyaAllah kakty, kalau ada iras2 tu den tanyo laaa,"assalamualaikum, nie kakty kan?..." huhu
jgn kan KLIA, kat warta ka, pkns ka, kalu den nmpk kakty, den tegur..kakty pun tegur kite tau kalau perasan :D