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Monday, February 16, 2009

A tag about Romantic movies

Last 2 weeks, I was busy with some reading and writing about my research, until I couldn't find time to review and finalised already created entries for publication (owwwhhh mentang2 la tengah tulis paper, ayat skema). All I managed to do was, forwarding information from my mailbox, that I found it is important for me to share with my friends. Ok enough said. My mission for this week (I was doing this reviewing job on Saturday, hence I made a promise) is to publish all the entries (that I have so far), starting with this particular entry (takut ada yang merajuk nanti, *wink wink*)

I was tag by ms iszan from JB (tukar tag pada "sep" la, macam main kejar2 tu, ko kena sep, ko kena berhenti kan). Thank you la cik iszan oiii... saje kan, tau aku tak tengok citer2 romantik nie sangat.... sib baik mintak 5 yo. Dan 5 nie jugak la, kalau suh atang tengok sekali, boleh la dia duduk kejap, sebab bukan romantik yang tangkap leleh, kalau tak...jgn harap la dia nak tengok citer2 nie.

Ok... nie kerja rumah yang ms iszan kasi....
Please copy the following rules in your post (as usual)
1. You have to point out 5 romantic movies that you would love to share with your loved ones..
2. It doesn't have to be in order.. as long as you love the movies, it will be fine..
3. You have to tag another 5 person to answer this tag

In no particular order. here is my so called romantic movies list....

1. Wicker park

(have watch this movie several time, and every time I will cry at the same scenes. atang did watch this movie, and he said, "apa la mamat tu...")

2. Pretty woman

hmmmm.... can watch this many time too

3. Excess baggage

watch this with atang once....

4. Dirty dancing (nobody put baby in the corner)

don't know whether atang will like to watch this....

5. You've got mail

our favorite.... because of tom hanks, and meg ryan....

Oooo do I need to elaborate futher? It didn't say in the tak payah la ekk..... I would like to tag this to these unlucky lucky:

1. The supermom Liza
2. The entrepreneur lady Iza
3. The talking ladybird Ms Taj
4. The roaring lady Ms Tigris
5. The malay girl at jipang who is finishing her thesis Ms Jas


Rahiza Haszian Abdul Rahim said...

aiyoyo..aku kena gak ek.. :D

Anonymous said...

waahhh...tag ni la yg me plg suka! fav romantic movie..insyaallah if i have the time i'll do it..(dlm kepala bukan main bnyk lg romantic movie nk letak..huhuhu)

anywy, me kena dpt kn jgk that Wicker Park and Access Baggage suka Alicia Silverstone!! huhuh tak sabo nih...

Mister A said...

nk gak main tag - tag dgn bro gak...hahahahaha....

Liza said...

i dah buat but auto publish so tunggu ler yer