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Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Breaking fast with friends

The first iftaar organised by PPMQ was held at UQ Musollah last Sunday. Similar to last year, the event started early in the morning, to prepare the food. All the cooking was done by the men, due to the fact that men are more expert with this kawah style of cooking (I need reference for this...anyone..heheh). The women will prepare the ingredients (onions, chili, spices, etc.) and at the same time catching up with your friends, gossiping, consoling, sharing, laughing and meeting new friends. It is the time that we escape from the pressure of studying and researching. It is actually kind of 'pantang' to ask about research. And if you still want to ask, you will definately get one of this answers, "OK laa", "OK", "jangan tanya", "hmmmm..."....

Ok back to the iftaar event.

The location for gotong-royong was at Kak Pizah and Abang Zul house, just opposite the musollah. But this year, I couldn't attend the gotong royong (johorean call it rewang, nogori call it bermantai). My 'dear friend' came to visit me again. I have a frequent visit from her lately. I hate it whenever she comes. So irritating. So restless. She is actually a disease. My dear Ms Coughing. So in order to not spreading the germs, I skipped the gotong royong. Plus with thirah is getting lasak nowadays, I still couldn't involve with the activity right. So better stay at home. But I asked atang to go and help. At least ada wakil from us. Anyway I missed that gotong royong dearly.

Near to breaking fast time, all of us went to Musollah. Those with small kids breaking fast at kak pizah house. We had nasi minyak, ayam merah, kari kambing, acar, some kuih, air bandung, air teh and dadih.....yummy.... sorry I couldnt take pictures. Athirah tak bleh duduk diam. I need to hold her most of the time. She will immediately grap whatever near her whenever she has the opportunity. Tu yang dia sibuk capai cawan laa..pinggan laaa... lauk laaa.... adeh bukak puasa reramai .... Next Sunday will be another iftaar event. But I will probably not go this time.

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