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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Balik kampung : Episode 9 : the Luggages

We have done packing. Three luggages that are full with clothes. 2 luggages are reserved for yaya and athirah. Atang and me are travelling light.

thirah wants to put herself inside the luggage....hahahhha.... she is into 'memanjat' nowadays. Semua nak dipanjatnya.

Yaya is busy organising her books, which I told her that those need to go later because we dont have anymore room in the luggage.

and that includes you thirah. You definately wont fit in any of those luggages now.

1 comment:

Liza said...

thirah, nanti auntie report kan, masukan anak dlm beg tu satu bentuk penderaan tau...he he he...