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Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Balik kampung : Episode 2 : at Harbour Town

Harbour Town is popular among tourist. It is like factory outlets for popular brands like adidas, nike, osh kosh, hush puppies, pumpkin patch, canterbury, to name a few. We never been there before. When mak and abah came earlier this year, we took them to Gold Coast, but only to the Carrara Market. Not enough time to stop by Harbour Town.

Since my beloved sistah, request some jerseys for her heroes, we went there because it is much cheaper buying at Harbour Town than any shops at Brisbane. I was told that at Malaysia the Canterbury jersey will cost you around RM300...dear oooo dear.....

We were lucky, coz Canterbury was having a big SALE last Saturday. All items were marked down to 50%. Yes....50%.... what a bargain right.... so we bought the requested Wallabies Jerseys... and some gifts for the families....

Nearly noon, everybody is feeling hungry. There is Halal Nondos nearby. So we stop for lunch before continue the shopping spree.

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