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Monday, September 15, 2008

Balik kampung : Episode 6 : Yaya last week @ Ironside State school

Last week was Yaya final week at Ironside State School. I brought along the dedicated S200 and took some pictures. That morning I spent some time with her at school. Accompanying her, saying goodbye to all her friends. By the look on her face, I know she was feeling sad. However, she cover it up by laughing and cheering, as usual. Here are some pictures of her with her friends.

Yaya with Thoriq and Atef

With Amirah

and with Miss Tatum Underwood

More pictures in our fotopages.
Goodbye everybody...goodbye... Thank you for everything. Farewell. Yaya will miss all of you. Adieu


Liza said...

don't forget to call when you are back!

fazid said...

insyaAllah... we will be at VSP on Friday. I have some work at Putrajaya. Will call you when we get there.

Rahiza Haszian Abdul Rahim said...

fazid..apesal last day? bebudak x ikut balik sana ke lepas raya?

fazid said...

tinggal kejap ngan wan n atok diorang... lagi pun nak ujung tahun...and nanti i balik mesia utk collect data...