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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Upin dan Ipin : Season 2 : layan episode baru

Update: Saje letak entry lame nie kat atas...sebab ada episod baru baru2 ini....nie khas untuk orang2 diperantauan...gegege
"Kawan-kawan...Upin dan Ipin dah keluar kat tv ye....."

Hik.... We have watched the first episode of Upin and Ipin season 2. Seronok...seronok

Update [10.45am]:
(YM transcript)
Che Noor SCC:
Che Noor SCC: hehe fazid,.. kau takyah tunggu youtube,.. tgk kat sini aje ;d
Che Noor SCC: [emoticon]
yaaboo: yeaaaa..... terima kasih
Che Noor SCC: [emoticon]

Huhu.... klik aje kat link tu ye...terima kasih Che Noor


Anonymous said...

aiseh, kau tampal sekali transkripnye ye? hehe malu i,.. aww

fazid said...

ok la tu beb...gegegegege